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About Stevens Financial





Through our alliance with LPL FinancialStevens Financial is associated with a nationwide network of independent financial advisors known for putting its clients' wishes first. 

LPL Financial's independent platform is unrivaled in its ability to address your every financial need, and seek out comprehensive strategies in this uncertain world.

Its clients come from all quarters, and many are the sons and daughters, nieces and nephews of other clients. The Internet, and the excellent technology provided by LPL Financial, means that the professionals of Stevens Financial can maintain a personal advisory relationship with clients anywhere in the country. Whether you are a brand-new business, a young person at the early end of a career, or a person close to retirement, the professionals of Stevens Financial's solid experience can help towards the goal of providing significant dividends for your quality of life and financial idependence.

LPL Client Portal

Access your account, securely and at any time, with the LPL Client Portal. (Note: The LPL Client Portal currently supports only Internet Explorer and Firefox.) 


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